Remote Working

An emerging industry trend for achieving these goals is the practice of employing agents who work remotely — usually from home — instead of working from a centralized contact centre.

This allows contact centres to reduce overhead costs while enjoying a more dispersed and larger pool of agent candidates to draw upon.
International Consultants, Frost & Sullivan, conducted a survey recently of 250 contact centre managers in Great Britain, France, USA, China and India. The survey results suggests that 84 percent of man-agers in charge of large contact centres see the emergence of employing remote agents as the next big trend in the industry.

Total Interact can facilitate your agents to work remotely should you wish.

The benefits of Remote Working include:

  • Reduced seat costs
  • Increase in employee morale, resulting in better customer experiences
  • Increase in employee retention rates
  • A larger pool of better-qualified agents
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